
On Thu, 25 Mar 2010, Eckhart Wörner wrote:

You say, you think it was fixed in KDE SC (what's the difference between
SC and plain KDE?) 4.0. I write in the bug report however that I was able
to reproduce the bug with KDE 4.3.2 (Ubuntu Karmic 9.10).

there are actually two bug reports inside. The first part is the

kdeinit: Aborting. $DISPLAY is not set.

bug report, which is most likely fixed with KDE SC 4.0 (which I was referring

It most probably is, yes, since I did not see it with 4.3.2 any more.

The second part (which I missed at first) is the missing output. I just checked
the code, and found out that konsolekalendar called without arguments lists
all events on the current day from 7am to 5pm. So the default behavior isn't
that useless.

I agree. However if you take my case: first time user, no entries for today, then it still is a usability bug: the user get's no clue on why nothing's happening. (even though I like the idea of checking the sourcecode for information about usage, I don't think it's a good idea in general).

I'd say that, either or multiple of the following things would improve the situation:

* konsolekalendar could say "No entries for today"
* there could actually be a README or even much better a man page!
* 'konsolekalendar --help' could say what you said above
  (see attached patch)

How about the "QFile::remove: Empty or null file name" problem [1]? Is that fixed too in 4.4?

PS: http://dot.kde.org/2009/11/24/repositioning-kde-brand


[1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=402084#33
    10 lines down into the text
--- main.cpp.orig	2010-03-25 16:37:44.000000000 +0100
+++ main.cpp	2010-03-25 16:47:36.000000000 +0100
@@ -174,6 +174,9 @@
                       "--description \"Get My Head Examined\"\n"
                       "  konsolekalendar --delete --uid KOrganizer-1740326.803" ) );
   options.add( "",
+               ki18n( "Without any options konsolekalendar will output today's events\n"
+		      "from 7am to 5pm or nothing at all if there aren't any" ) );
+  options.add( "",
                ki18n( "For more information visit the program home page at:\n"
                       "  http://pim.kde.org/components/konsolekalendar.php"; ) );
   KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options ); // Add our own options.

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