Am Donnerstag 18 März 2010 23:11:47 schrieben Sie:
> On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 01:07:52PM +0100, Heiko Stübner wrote:
> > Am Mittwoch 17 März 2010 schrieb dann frazier:
> > > It also appears that upstream has fixed this issue - is there an ETA
> > > for its inclusion in Debian? Please remember to request a binNMU of
> > > fso-usaged (or a sourceful upload) when that occurs.
I just tested with the recent upload of vala 0.8.0 - which doesn't fix this 
bug. Vala upstreams bug tracker contains many bugs about errors in the code 
generation of vala (vala -> c) especially in conjunction with dbus and finding 
the root of this bug is a manpower thing.

I'm still on it and will investigate further but messages in upstreams 
bugtracker indicate that they are aware of the misbehaviours and "will get to 
it" but it doesn't have any special priority.


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