Hi there,

On Thu, 22. April 2010 Rene Engelhard wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 10:08:43AM +0200, Christian Hilberg wrote:
> > I suspect that it has something to do with X forwarding
> > (although the Problem *should not* arise under Xephyr then).
> I doubt that in the meanwhile; I just discussed this a bit on IRC
> with SuSE:
> [...]
> If the above is correct, it shouldn't crash on GNOME for you
> even. (I of course tested under GNOME)

I did some more digging. Result:

It is working, if and only if openoffice.org-gnome ist installed 
solely. In this case it works, no matter the window manager in use.

Removing openoffice.org-gnome (even if openoffice.org-gtk remains 
installed) leads to the crash.

If neither openoffice.org-gnome nor openoffice.org-kde is installed, 
the crash occurs.

If openoffice.org-kde is installed, the crash occurs.

Having gtk-qt-engine and openoffice.org-gnome installed (but not 
openoffice.org-kde), it works.

Hope that helps.
Best regards,


christian hilberg           *               computer science
hilb...@unix-ag.org         *         unix user group siegen
*       The best defense against logic is ignorance.       *

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