On 2005-08-08 22:00:56 +0200, Denis Barbier wrote:
> So the problem here is that a locale listed in /etc/locale.gen is
> not valid.  There are several possible causes:
>   a. This locale was previously listed in /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED,
>      but has been dropped.
>   b. Admin made a typo when editing /etc/locale.gen

This is not b since the locale was added via dpkg-reconfigure locales.

>   c. This locale exists but is broken.
>   d. This locale is broken, and is not provided by the locales package
>      but is a local addition.

I didn't do any local addition.

> When an error occurs, we can either abort (this is the current behavior),
> or continue.  The former ensures that errors are caught and dealt with,
> but admin has then to modify a file he is not even aware of.  With the
> latter, an admin may generate all locales without noticing that
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] is broken.  Maybe a good compromise is to not abort when
> generating locales, and add a debconf note if errors occured?

Yes, and the locale could be commented out.

>  (And either
> abort after explaining admin how to fix the problem, or exit gracefully)

Yes, this would be OK too.

Vincent Lefèvre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/>
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