reassign 484122 libpam-mount

Apologies, my bug number was off by one.

Christian Kastner wrote:
> reassign 484123 libpam-mount
> thanks
> Hello Bastian,
> From the 4 segfault reports presented in this bug against cron,
>    1 was definitely caused by a libc upgrade and is merely an FYI
>    1 was caused by libpam-mount, with a specific patch fixing the issue
>    1 has an unverified cause, but involves libpam-mount and has a w/a
>    1 has an unverified cause, but involves libpam-mount
> I think that the 3 non-libc cases can all be narrowed down to
> libpam-mount exclusively. I believe they are caused by older (pre-Lenny)
> versions of libpam-mount, and that they have probably been fixed in the
> meanwhile by pam-mount commits 3d58b8a, 023bc14 or 3022344.
> I would therefore like to proceed analogous to #401761 and re-assign
> from cron to libpam-mount. If you can verify that the aforemention fixes
> apply, this bug can be closed.
> If you disagree with my assessment or if I can provide any help from
> cron's POV, please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Christian

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