Hi Petr,

> >Hmm, increasing ulimit -v also did the trick (the test scripts had set the 
> >limit
> >to 512000, changing that to 600000 fixed it). It just seemed to require 
> >slightly
> >more memory on kfreebsd-amd64. I wouldn't see that your glibc patch affects
> >memory usage, or have I overlooked something?
> It reduces stack allocated for each thread in pthread_create().
> The default max stack is 512MB, while the ARCH_STACK_MAX_SIZE is 32MB.
> When the getlimit() returned RLIM_INFINITY,
> the used stack for each thread is 32 MB,
> but when it returned any real number, the real number have been used.
> The patch adds upper bound (128MB) of pthread stack size.
> During pthread_create() is the stack (pre-)allocated via mmap(),
> i.e. 524288 have been even larger than 512000.
> On kfreebsd-i386, the default max stack is 64MB, while the
> ARCH_STACK_MAX_SIZE is 8MB, the memory limit
> 512000 have been therefore sufficient.

Thanks for the explanation. Is it that patch that is included in version
2.10.2-7 of eglibc? We could decide to add a versioned depends for
kfreebsd-amd64 only and revert our workaround, but then again dependencies like
this just for the sake of a test suite don't seem to warranted.


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