reassign 308904 libpam-ldap

Hi Richard,

Steve Greenland wrote:
> On 16-May-05, 10:55 (CDT), Klaus Ethgen <> wrote: 
>>> There's really nothing cron can do about this.
>> Strange. But why do cron die or block? And why do I have this problem
>> only the last few weeks and not bevore?
> I can't tell you. But cron only uses PAM. How is cron supposed to know
> what PAM is doing? PAM is the tool making ldap calls, and needs to deal
> with ldap specific problems. Cron cannot.

This never got reassigned to libpam-ldap, I suspect because the cron
package was changing Maintainers right around that time.

This may or may not be related to #206948, which I will be reassigning
to libnss-ldap shortly.


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