Sure you typed that correctly --

 -cpu qemu64,level=1

(I cut-n-pasted that to the command line, it works).

Sorry, that was my fault. I cut&pasted it too - doubly, so it read -cpu -cpu ...

I tried again, and now the setup process gets a little further, but after loading a bunch of modules, a BSOD happens:
*** STOP: 0x0000001E (0xC0000005, 0x810D9720, 0x00000000, 0x8011A813)
KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED*** Address 801d9720 has base at 801d9000 - hal.dll
*** Address 8011a813 has base at 80100000 - ntoskrnl.exe
CPUID:GenuineIntel 6.2.3 irql:1e  SYSVER 0xf0000565
then lots of Dll Base addresses and names, followed by what could be a stack dump.

Wwhile the BSOD is displayed, the host CPU is 50% loaded (probably one of the two cores); the (qemu) monitor command stop makes the CPU load disappear and makes the last line ("turn to your system administrator or technician") completely visible.

Thanks for your patience
Martin Stut
Dünsbergstr. 38         Phone:  +49-6421-953639
35043 Marburg   Email:
GERMANY         Web: <>

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