Package: libvips15
Version: 7.20.7-1
Severity: minor
Tags: patch


while translating vips to german, I've found some typos. (see patch)

diff -ru vips-7.20.7.orig//libvips/arithmetic/arith_dispatch.c vips-7.20.7/libvips/arithmetic/arith_dispatch.c
--- vips-7.20.7.orig//libvips/arithmetic/arith_dispatch.c	2010-05-18 09:58:32.000000000 +0200
+++ vips-7.20.7/libvips/arithmetic/arith_dispatch.c	2010-05-18 10:04:59.000000000 +0200
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@
 static im_function ceil_desc = {
 	"im_ceil", 			/* Name */
-	N_( "round to smallest integal value not less than" ),
+	N_( "round to smallest integer value not less than" ),
 	IM_FN_PIO | IM_FN_PTOP,		/* Flags */
 	ceil_vec, 			/* Dispatch function */
 	IM_NUMBER( one_in_one_out ), 	/* Size of arg list */
@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@
 static im_function floor_desc = {
 	"im_floor", 			/* Name */
-	N_( "round to largest integal value not greater than" ),
+	N_( "round to largest integer value not greater than" ),
 	IM_FN_PIO | IM_FN_PTOP,		/* Flags */
 	floor_vec, 			/* Dispatch function */
 	IM_NUMBER( one_in_one_out ), 	/* Size of arg list */
@@ -805,7 +805,7 @@
 static im_function rint_desc = {
 	"im_rint", 			/* Name */
-	N_( "round to nearest integal value" ),
+	N_( "round to nearest integer value" ),
 	IM_FN_PIO | IM_FN_PTOP,		/* Flags */
 	rint_vec, 			/* Dispatch function */
 	IM_NUMBER( one_in_one_out ), 	/* Size of arg list */
diff -ru vips-7.20.7.orig//libvips/freq_filt/im_fractsurf.c vips-7.20.7/libvips/freq_filt/im_fractsurf.c
--- vips-7.20.7.orig//libvips/freq_filt/im_fractsurf.c	2010-05-18 09:58:51.000000000 +0200
+++ vips-7.20.7/libvips/freq_filt/im_fractsurf.c	2010-05-18 10:06:15.000000000 +0200
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
 		return( -1 );
 	if( frd <= 2.0 || frd >= 3.0 ) {
 		im_error( "im_fractsurf", "%s", 
-			_( "dimension shuld be in (2,3)" ) );
+			_( "dimension should be in (2,3)" ) );
 		return( -1 );
diff -ru vips-7.20.7.orig//libvips/inplace/im_circle.c vips-7.20.7/libvips/inplace/im_circle.c
--- vips-7.20.7.orig//libvips/inplace/im_circle.c	2010-05-18 09:58:35.000000000 +0200
+++ vips-7.20.7/libvips/inplace/im_circle.c	2010-05-18 10:07:07.000000000 +0200
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 	if ( ((radius+cy)> im->Ysize - 1) || ((cy-radius)< 0 ) ||
 	     ((radius+cx)> im->Xsize - 1) || ((cx-radius) < 0 )   )
-		im_error( "im_circle", "%s", _( "The circle doesnot fit in image") );
+		im_error( "im_circle", "%s", _( "The circle does not fit in image") );
 /* Draw the circle */
diff -ru vips-7.20.7.orig//libvips/mask/rw_mask.c vips-7.20.7/libvips/mask/rw_mask.c
--- vips-7.20.7.orig//libvips/mask/rw_mask.c	2010-05-18 09:58:09.000000000 +0200
+++ vips-7.20.7/libvips/mask/rw_mask.c	2010-05-18 10:07:46.000000000 +0200
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@
 	for( i = 0; i < dmask->xsize * dmask->ysize; i++ ) 
 		if( ceil( dmask->coeff[i] ) != dmask->coeff[i] ) {
-			im_error( "im_read_imask", _( "cofficient at "
+			im_error( "im_read_imask", _( "coefficient at "
 				"position (%d, %d) is not int" ), 
 				i % dmask->xsize,
 				i / dmask->xsize );
diff -ru vips-7.20.7.orig//libvips/morphology/im_cntlines.c vips-7.20.7/libvips/morphology/im_cntlines.c
--- vips-7.20.7.orig//libvips/morphology/im_cntlines.c	2010-05-18 09:58:23.000000000 +0200
+++ vips-7.20.7/libvips/morphology/im_cntlines.c	2010-05-18 10:09:57.000000000 +0200
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 	if( flag != 0 && flag != 1 ) {
 		im_error( "im_cntlines", "%s", 
-			_( "flag should be 0 (horizontal)  )"
+			_( "flag should be 0 (horizontal) "
 			"or 1 (vertical)" ) );
 		return( -1 ); 
diff -ru vips-7.20.7.orig//libvips/morphology/im_zerox.c vips-7.20.7/libvips/morphology/im_zerox.c
--- vips-7.20.7.orig//libvips/morphology/im_zerox.c	2010-05-18 09:58:22.000000000 +0200
+++ vips-7.20.7/libvips/morphology/im_zerox.c	2010-05-18 10:10:35.000000000 +0200
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
 	if( !t1 )
 		return( -1 );
 	if( flag != -1 && flag != 1 ) {
-		im_error( "im_zerox", "%s", _( "flag not -1 ot 1" ) );
+		im_error( "im_zerox", "%s", _( "flag not -1 or 1" ) );
 		return( -1 );
         if( im_piocheck( in, t1 ) )

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