On Wed, Aug 10, 2005 at 11:02:40AM +0200, Martin Quinson wrote:
> Package: hevea
> Version 1.07-4
> Tags: upstream

Forget my previous mail, I was looking at the html output, and
not at the text output. The text output does indeed look strange.

In fact, the hevea doc says that there is an *experimental* and partial
implementation of fancyvrb (section B.17.13 in the documentation
of hevea 1.08). If you look into /usr/share/hevea you see that
there is a file html/fancyvrb.hva (the hevea implementation of
fancyvrb for html output) but there is no corresponding file
in text/. Hence, if you want to generate text output you will
have to do without the fancyvrb package for now.

This rather is a wishlist bug (complete the support of fancyvrb for
text output). Do you agree?


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