package: piuparts
Usertags: piuparts.d.o


running is quite maintainance hungry: logs need to be 
analysed, bugs in packages need to be filed, maintainers of buggy packages 
need support in understanding or fixing the issue, piuparts itself has quite 
some bugs (and missing features), etc.  

(Not to speak of fixing detected bugs which I consider everybodies duty.)

All this work is done solely by me at, with a little help in fixing some 
piuparts code issues. But there is really a lot more help needed, especially 
in analysing the logs and for introducing some (sensible) workarounds for 
those few packages which deserve sane workarounds so that they can be tested 
by piuparts at all.

I'm aware of quite a lot of issues in piuparts, some of them are in the BTS, 
some not and for sure there are quite some more I dont know about. If you are 
interested in fixing some of those, please by all means contact me.


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