I got the source from [1] and modified the amule.install and
amule-common.install files at debian/. I also edited the description
for amule-common to tell that it now contains the skins and that one
might also want to install amule-utils-gui if you only want to use the
remote GUI.

I tested it by creating the packages on my machine and it seemed to
work fine. I hope I didn't do anything wrong, but if I did, feel free
to tell me.

Best regards,

1 - http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-amule/amule.git;a=summary

On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 10:48 AM, Sandro Tosi <mo...@debian.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 11:37, Luís Picciochi Oliveira
> <pitxy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I wasn't quite complaining: just asking if there's something stopping
>> this from going forth. And if so, maybe I could try helping with that,
>> I see no reason for the bitterness.
> probably I read your reply tone wrong, probably your reply could have
> been written better.
>> I have no packaging experience and I don't understand what you mean
>> with "proposing a patch". The only change that I see as necessary is
>> to move the skin files from the amule package to the amule-common
>> package. But I can be wrong. What kind of patch would be needed for
>> that? Aren't patches necessary only when some source-code or
>> plain-text file needs to be changed?
> patches to a debian source package can either change upstream code or
> debian packaging, so the proposed patch can also change something in
> debian/ dir (where the packaging lives).
> Regards,
> --
> Sandro Tosi (aka morph, morpheus, matrixhasu)
> My website: http://matrixhasu.altervista.org/
> Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi
diff -r a/amule/debian/amule-common.install b/amule/debian/amule-common.install
> usr/share/amule/skins
diff -r a/amule/debian/amule.install b/amule/debian/amule.install
< usr/share/amule/skins
diff -r a/amule/debian/control b/amule/debian/control
<  This package contains localization files and webserver templates for
<  aMule. You probably don't want to install this package alone, but amule
<  or amule-daemon instead.
>  This package contains localization files, webserver templates and GUI skins
>  for aMule. You probably don't want to install this package alone, but amule,
>  amule-daemon or amule-utils-gui instead.

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