Le samedi 06 juin 2009, Martin Pitt a écrit :
> Hello all,

Hello Martin.

> cups is in severe need for a dedicated Debian maintainer. I became an
> uploader some years ago for more efficient integration of
> improvements/fixes done in Ubuntu, but now I have been the only
> uploader for 1.5 years. I cleaned up the patch mess, brought the
> package and test suite into a well working state, follow up on RC
> bugs, and prepare most security updates; Till Kamppeter is developing
> the PDF filters.

Thank you for your work, Martin, this is a very important piece of
software for a desktop system (or a print server, of course). And to me,
CUPS is a really good system that many years of advance compared to the
poorly-designed legacy system Microsoft provides as a competitor.

> However, that's not enough. Neither Till nor I have a Debian unstable
> as primary workstation where we could test printing in a real Debian
> system, and neither of us has time to look at the Debian bug reports.

I do have a Debian unstable desktop computer and I could try and do some
bug triaging.

> Right now, cups has hundreds of bug reports, many of them years old;
> many of them were probably fixed long ago, many aren't problems in
> cups but some driver (gutenprint, foomatic, ghostscript).
> To get the Debian cups bugs into some useful state again, someone who
> knows the Linux printing system very well needs to sit down and write
> a comprehensive "how to debug printing problems" document: in
> particular, how to identify in which package the problem is, which
> debug information to collect, and common workarounds/tests which help
> the reporter's immediate problem and are useful for diagnosis.

I think I have a good overview of CUPS, from a user point of view:
filters, backends, configuration… However, though I may be able to tell
with package is concerned by a given problem, it would be difficult for
me to give a general recipe to do it. As I said, I could try and do some
bug triaging, and that may help me to draw such a recipe and document

> I'm happy to continue basic package maintenance as pointed out above,
> do sponsoring, and mentor interested newcomers. You don't need to be a
> DD, but you should have a printer or two, use Debian unstable
> regularly, and willing to learn about the printing architecture (cups
> spooler, drivers, etc.).

I do. Though I really do not want to print hundreds of test pages, and
would rather print to files, using… a custom backend (unless a file
backend already exists, but I never saw one, but maybe such a – very
simple, but very useful for debugging – backend may be worth packaging).

Tanguy Ortolo

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