
On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 16:41:40 -0400, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:

> $> ghi -r hanke/PyMVPA list | cat 
> # open issues on hanke/PyMVPA
> error: server problem (HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized)
> with -w goes to webpage nicely in a browser

Do you have a [github] section, with user and token, in your ~/.gitconfig ?

In any case, it should show you:

  $ ghi -r yarikoptic/svgtune | cat
  # open issues on yarikoptic/svgtune
  error: required GitHub entry 'user' not found in global git config
  please add it to the global git config by doing this:

  git config --global github.user <your GitHub username>

Otherwise, let's try to debug it. Add the following line:

  print repr(url), repr(data), repr(headers)

at /usr/share/pyshared/github/utils.py , before line 26 ("try:"). Be sure to
put four spaces before it. Then run again that command, it should show
something like:

'login=<login>&token=<token>' {'User-Agent': 'github-cli'}

<user>/<project> should be what you passed on the command line; <login> and
<token> should be the ones you have in your ~/.gitconfig. Remember not to post
your token here (since that would allow anyone to do commits authenticated as


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