found 339359 1:3.2.1-3

Am Sonntag, den 12.11.2006, 17:12 +0100 schrieb Paul Menzel:


> Ok, here are my questions for this problem. (If for some answers there
> exists documentation on the net, please point me to it, since I do not
> want to waste your time any further.)
> 1. a) Why is for example Times New Roman shown and Helvetica is not?

As Vincent pointed out in his reply [1] – I did not get being not
subscribed to the report –, it is Times that is missing and not Times
New Roman. Helvetica is still missing.

>    b) Why is unable to display Helvetica correctly and needs
> substitution?
> 2. Why does Helvetica show up in other programs font selector list (for
> example The GIMP)?

I checked again and current GIMP (2.6.8-3) does not display the missing
fonts either anymore.

So it looks like it is a problem with some font system. I compared gimp
and and they both depend on libfreetype6.

I could not find out what package installs the fonts Times and Helvetica
`xlsfonts` lists. Searching the Web I could not find it either. Could
anyone help, please?

> 3. Why is it available again, when you export it to PDF?
> 4. Do you know if this is the same case under M$ Windows?
> 5. Is Nimbus Sans L available under M$ Office?
> 6. Where can I figure out how OOo is substituting fonts?
> 7. As in the middle, why is there a bigger line spacing, when no font
> substitutions are set up?
> Maybe a summary of those answers could be included in REAMDE.Debian .




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