* Ulises Vitulli <der...@debian.org> [2010-06-27 13:52]:
> On 27/06/10 08:30, Ulises Vitulli wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> short update... this doesn't seem to be the case if I change 
> >> edge = top to edge = bottom. Unfortunately I want my panel 
> >> at the top edge.
> >>
> > I'm afraid I can't reproduce that on Fluxbox, then I tend to think It
> > has something to do more than with Openbox than with fbpanel itself.
> >
> > Just to avoid any kind of misunderstanding from the bugreport, can you
> > try that on Fluxbox to see if you experiment the same issue as with Openbox
> Just one thing more, can you try running fbpanel -C and activating "Set
> Stacking Layer" to your desired choice and see if it helps ?

This setting doesn't change anything for me but in fluxbox it works as 
expected. Mind to test this with openbox as well in case this is related to my 
openbox configuration?

Still confused what changed as only fbpanel was updated. You've got an 
overview of what change code-wise?

Kind regards
Nico Golde - http://www.ngolde.de - n...@jabber.ccc.de - GPG: 0xA0A0AAAA
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