On 8/13/05, Jason Fergus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Package: mail-notification
> Version: 2.0-1
> The debian package does not include support for Evolution notification
> compiled into it.  When selecting the mailbox type, it should have a
> listing for Evolution, but it does not.  I contacted the upstream
> author, and he told me that it was most likely a packaging problem, as I
> had expected.

Hi Jason,
  thank you for reporting this problem!

In order to build mail-notification with the evolution support i must
provide it with the path to evolution's source. It's the first time i
face a package that needs another's package source code.

I'll investigate how i could cleanly integrate something like that
into the debian package.

Furthermore, i've gotten evolution's debian source package and pointed
mail-notification's configure to it with the following results:
checking for the Evolution source tree directory... ./evolution-2.2.3/
checking for ./evolution-2.2.3//mail/em-event.h... yes
checking for ./evolution-2.2.3//mail/em-folder-tree.h... yes
checking for ./evolution-2.2.3//mail/mail-component.h... yes
checking for ./evolution-2.2.3//mail/mail-tools.h... yes
configure: Evolution not found: forcing --disable-evolution

This is not good. I don't know what's causing this yet.
Jean-Yves, any idea?¹

¹  Evolution's source code has been extracted from:
and patched with:
XBGM# (http://xbgm.sf.net)
MoviXMaker-2 (http://sv.gnu.org/projects/movixmaker)
[e]MoviX[2] (http://movix.sf.net)
Debian GNU/Linux (http://www.debian.org)

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