On 10.07.2010 15:14, sean finney wrote:
> hi michael,


> On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 02:43:06PM +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> That said, while I agree, that bumping the dep on nm to >= in 
>> nm-gnome
>> is probably the right thing to do, the severity grave is not justified given
>> that I'm still able to use nm-applet.
>> How did you end up with a disabled networkmanager?
>> Did you disable it before you upgraded or did you have a failed 
>> suspend/resume
>> in between?
> i rebooted and it didn't work when my laptop came back up.  actually i
> upgraded the other packages earlier this morning and the system was
> working fine until that point.  could you see if you can reproduce that,
> to make sure it wasn't something with just my system?

I can't reproduce the problem.
You you redo all steps, and save
/var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state after the upgrade (when NM still
works) and after the reboot (when NM is disabled).

As said, the only possible explanation I have, is that you upgraded the
packages, suspended your laptop (then, NM is disabled by
/usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/55NetworkManager), your resume failed and you had to

After the reboot NM stayed in disabled state and you weren't able to enable NM
via nm-applet.


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universe are pointed away from Earth?

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