
On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 10:17:41AM +0200, Joachim Breitner wrote:
> To make use of lintex, I’d need a mode that only deletes the
> intermediate files (.log, .aux, etc.). Also, this would ideally be
> configurable with some configuration file (~/.lintex.conf or the like).

As I see it, there are two (or more) possible modes for enabling this from the
command line. The first I thought of was

$ lintex -k

which would keep the final document(s) of a .tex file (.pdf and .dvi ... more
often than not, only one of the two exists). This would have the extensions
hardcoded (just like the temporary file extensions are hardcoded).

The second option I thought of is passing one or more extensions to keep to
lintex, like:

$ lintex -k pdf         # Only keep .pdf
$ lintex -k pdf,dvi     # Keep both pdf and dvi
or whatever.

Of these two options, I think the first would be preferable, simply because most
(all?) people use either pdflatex OR latex on a given .tex file and thus the use
case "I use both pdflatex and latex, but I just want to keep my DVI file and get
rid of the PDF file" goes down the hole.

As for a configuration file, would inserting the following line into your
shell's configuration file work?

  alias lintex='lintex -k'


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