On Sat, 2010-08-07 at 01:08 +0200, Mirco Bauer wrote:
> I just upgraded from Mono 2.6.3 to 2.6.7 while having a plenty of Mono
> applications running (like Smuxi, Tomboy, Banshee, etc) and had no
> issues with starting new applications nor with the currently running
> ones.
> I believe though that the .wapi stuff could be related. Have you used
> fakeroot or something that fiddles with HOME? as that can pretty badly
> break Mono, see:
> http://pkg-mono.alioth.debian.org/cli-policy/ch-mono.html#s-mono-disable-shm

No fakeroot, no fiddling with $HOME – just plain installed packages.
I've been tracking testing for quite a while, so it's perfectly possible
that my setup is not 100% in shape.

> As I can't reproduce this issue I am setting severity to important for
> now.

Fair enough. I had some more mono-related trouble: Tomboy won't start
and I get a gdb backtrace if I run it in the console. The same thing
happens with a number of other mono-based packages.

Since Tomboy was the only reason for having mono installed, I switched
to Gnote and uninstalled mono...

If there's any additional tests I should run, please let me know.

Fabian Fagerholm <fa...@paniq.net>

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