Hello Michael,

Michael Peek a écrit :
> I had no idea that pv existed.  I took a look at it, and they are
> very similar.
> There are a few things that bar offers over pv:
> - ANSI color support
> - Configurable progress bar characters

In the manpage I only found the option display-twiddle about it; are
there other options for configuring characters?

> - Configurable I/O select() timeout
> - Ability to use configuration file(s)

This feature is great.

> - Displaying of additional blocks of text read from a file during
> I/O - think "information to display to the user during file
> installation" - that are updated automatically throughout the I/O
> process (version 1.11.0, yet to be released)

That one will be great too. The version which I can package now is 1.10.9

> But there are also features in pv that bar lacks:
> -n, --numeric - Numeric output suitable for piping to dialog

This feature may be important, I planned to use a regexp filter to parse
bar's output, configuring bar to output easier parsed data would be

> -W, --wait - Wait until the first byte has been received before
> printing anything

... and before deciding that the input stream is closed.
This feature can be approximately reached by setting a long timeout
without modifying bar's source.

> -l, --line-mode - Instead of counting bytes, count lines
> -R, --remote - Communicate with another instance of pv to modify it's state
> For what it's worth,
> Michael Peek

I shall reopen the ITP bug and upload the package.

Best regards,                   Georges.

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