
Dne Thu, 19 Aug 2010 07:43:16 -0700
Cam Ellison <c...@ellisonpsychology.ca> napsal(a):
> Well - from my perspective it is unusable.  I need to be able to export 
> the data in several formats, and I can no longer do that: it's necessary 
> to cut and paste, which means spreadsheet only. At least in OpenOffice, 
> you can't convert spreadsheet to text table format, which is what I need 
> in a number of cases.

I'm not saying that it is not a bug, but phpMyAdmin does way more than
exporting data, so even if it is completely broken the software is
still usable for most users.

> To the details: I run a query, which gives me a dataset.  The page on 
> which the dataset appears has two Export buttons, one above, and one 
> below the displayed data.  The upper Export button causes Phpmyadmin to 
> export the entire contents of the table - or has always done.  The lower 
> one exports the displayed dataset.  What happens with the current 
> version is this: if I hover the mouse over the upper Export button the 
> button flashes intermittently for a few seconds before displaying in the 
> "selected" format.  Hovering over the lower Export button produces the 
> expected response.  Selecting the lower Export button produces the 
> expected response, which is a display of the formats in which to 
> export.  Selecting a spreadsheet option brings up the "Save to" window - 
> it is not possible to merely display, but this may be because I directed 
> it to save a couple of days ago.  When I save - or when I export in a 
> text format (odt, csv, etc.) the data that are exported are the first N 
> rows of the full table, where N is the number of rows in the dataset 
> that resulted from the query.  The queries all work fine, producing the 
> expected datasets, but it appears that the Export function uses only the 
> number of rows from the current dataset.

Just to make it clear: The "Export" tab on the query results does not
work for you? It does not go to export page? If this is the case, then
there must be something wrong with your setup because it works
perfectly for me.

Does the same happen for you at phpMyAdmin demo server
<http://demo.phpmyadmin.net/QA_3_3/> (login as root with empty

PS: Use reply to all to keep bug tracking system in touch.

        Michal Čihař | http://cihar.com | http://blog.cihar.com

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