On mar., 2010-08-31 at 23:52 +0200, Luca Niccoli wrote:
> On 31 August 2010 23:24, Yves-Alexis Perez <cor...@debian.org> wrote:
> > Hmh, to be honest, gnome-keyring is started properly here (though I'm
> > not using 4.6 on that box and can't check on another one).
> Maybe if you're not using 4.6 you have an old version of gnome-keyring
> as well? The way it was supposed to be started changed in version 2.26

I'm not using an older version, I'm using a more recent version :)

ii  gnome-keyring  2.30.3-1       GNOME keyring services (daemon and

> > Btw, I can see that:
> >
> > /usr/share/gnome/autostart/gnome-keyring-ssh.desktop
> >
> > contains OnlyShowIn=GNOME;LXDE;
> >
> > If gnome-keyring-ssh is what you need, wouldn't it be simpler to add
> > Xfce to that list?
> It doesn't work; "SSH Key Agent" doesn't even show up as an option
> among the autostarted applications in xfce4-session-settings .

That's because of the OnlyShowIn line.

> And I don't think that starting it this way could export
> $SSH_AUTH_SOCK to the session (gnome-keyring-daemon just prints it on
> stdout together with other variables, and it's up to the caller to
> export them).

Good point. So yes, either it's run as part of Xsession.d stuff (which
was not possible, aiui?) or xfce4-session runs it, and do it correctly,
for example using your patch.

> Moreover, I think the proper way to decide whether gnome-keyring
> should act as a ssh agent would be via gconf (this is a quite minor
> point).

And I'm afraid it might break existing systems. For example, I have
gnome-keyring installed (and it manages password for stuff like
evolution) but I *dont* want to use it as ssh-agent. If I tune
xfce4-session to fix g-k-d start, will it force that behavior?


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