> > > Everything is an encoding.  HTML is an encoding.  MP3 is an encoding.
> > > ASCII is an encoding.  All digital data on a computer is an encoding
> > > of some sort.  Purpose *absolutely* matters.
> > >
> >
> > All of those are more than an encoding.  They apply some meaning to the
> > data.
> >
> > As you say, purpose matters.  There is no purpose to data just because
> it's
> > gzipped.
> False.  The purpose is to take up less space.

That's why you compressed it.  That's not the purpose of the data.

> > But how does mime-support identify what the file type is?  It can't...
> > > because the file type of *this file* is gzip data, and you've not
> > > provided a type for that.
> >
> > It's smart.  It recognizes the indication that the data has been
> > compressed and then uncompresses it before using the type of the
> > data to determine the proper destination.
> No, HTTP does this.  MIME, as I have said repeatedly, has ABSOLUTELY
> NO PROVISION to do this.

You didn't ask about MIME.  You asked about how "mime-support" does it.  My
program is smart.

> > Gzipped data is not a type.
> It absolutely is.  Your failure to recognize this simple fact is the
> sole reason that your mime package is broken and that some mail
> programs have trouble correctly dealing with gzip files.

Just because other systems associate a type with a .gz extension does not
mean that is correct.  It's an encoding.  You want to assign a type to it
because you believe it will make things work better.

> > Yes, with a type, some mail programs may better handle the file
> > because it won't treat it as text but dumping the uncompressed
> > output isn't any better.
> The point is they will do no such thing.  They will correctly
> recognize these files as compressed archives, and allow the user to do
> what is intended to be done with them: store them on disk compressed.

That makes no sense at all.  Disks don't care about the "type" of the data
so data, compressed or not, can *always* be stored on disk.  MIME has
nothing to do with that.

> That is the purpose of gzipped files.  To be stored in less space than
> they would otherwise occupy.  Providing a type allows mail clients to
> do exactly that.  Not providing one causes them (in at least some
> cases) to fail.

Fail how?

> > > Then fix Apache.  Or explain why other Linux distros which do have
> > > these types (e.g. most any Red-Hat based distro) don't have this
> > > problem...
> > >
> >
> > Apache used to come with its own mime.types file independent of the
> > system.  The Debian package used the system one.
> So, in other words, Debian broke it.  Debian failed to recognize that
> MIME and HTTP treat data types differently, and continues to do so.
> And instead of fixing it properly, Debian decided to break MIME to
> make it work for HTTP.  Brilliant.

Hindsight is always perfect.

> > *You* fix apache!  And fix all previous releases.  And push that change
> to
> > every Debian-based webserver on Earth.  Then we can talk.
> There's nothing to do, except for debian to reverse it's
> ill-conceived, broken policy decision.  And fixing that is exactly
> what I'm attempting to do now.  Unfortunately I lack the required
> access to make the necessary change.

You can always build your own mime-support package from source and install
that on your own workstations.

Treat someone as they are and they will remain that way.
Treat someone as they can be and they will become that way.

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