On ven., 2010-09-10 at 15:25 +0200, Frederik Himpe wrote:
> Package: evolution
> Version: 2.30.3-1
> Severity: normal
> With evolution 2.30.2 currently in Squeeze, the automatic mail sent out by a
> drupal installation warning you about available updates, contains an URL which
> is not clickable. After an apt-get install -t unstable evolution evolution-
> data-server, which pulled in evolution and evolution-data-server 2.30.3, the
> link is now clickable as it needs to be.
> When viewing the source of the mail message in Evolution, it shows some
> unrecognized character at the end of each line, so maybe the newlines in the
> sent out message are broken.
> I will attach the message.

Thanks for the report, I can confirm it's fixed in my 2.30.3
installation. I'm not sure I'll ask for 2.30.3 migration since it has
problems with IDLE support enabled.


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