Le lundi 27 septembre 2010 à 11:25 +0200, Fabian Greffrath a écrit : 
> Am 27.09.2010 09:04, schrieb Josselin Mouette:
> > I’ve seen that (with both abiword and gnumeric), and I’ve seen the
> > opposite too: documents that display fine in OOo but have everything
> > messed up in abiword.
> Right, but is this really a good reason to keep both of them (i.e. 
> that they fail *differently* when attempting to open documents saved 
> in proprietary file formats)?
> I'd say, OOo is generally more "complete" than Abiword+Gnumeric. 
> People who know they want Abiword (e.g. because they want to use one 
> of its more advanced features that has no equivalent in OOo) also know 
> how to install it via apt.

As I already explained a the beginning of the bug report, OOo
integration with GNOME is a bad joke. The question is more: do we want
an office suite that can open this or that document, or an office suite
that is consistent and integrated correctly with the desktop?

 .''`.      Josselin Mouette
: :' :
`. `'  “If you behave this way because you are blackmailed by someone,
  `-    […] I will see what I can do for you.”  -- Jörg Schilling

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