This bug report looks similar.

Possibly the curent port to backports of gst-plugins-base is also borked in this way?

>Oh, sorry. This one should be all in one line:

>gst-launch-0.10 cdparanoiasrc device=/dev/cdrom ! audioconvert !
audioresample ! alsasink

>If your CD device is different, try a difference device file  :)

No, that's me CD all right :-)

But still don't work

othello:/home/leo# gst-launch-0.10 cdparanoiasrc device=/dev/cdrom ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! alsasink
ERROR: pipeline could not be constructed: no element "cdparanoiasrc".

Nope. There is something awry in the build of the package I think.

But I think we are getting close.

BTW I am still not clear whether I should be using the

repository or the

they seem to be slightly different.

Thanks for your attention to this problem. I really do appreciate it.

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