Alexander Reichle-Schmehl <> wrote:

> Hi!
> Am 23.11.2010 16:56, schrieb Julien Cristau:
>>> clone 604217 -1
>>> retitle -1 axiom-tex should depends on texlive-binaries
>>> severity -1 normal
>> AIUI packages are not supposed to depend on texlive-binaries but on e.g.
>> texlive-base.  cc:ing the tex maintainers so they can correct me if I'm
>> wrong.
> Ah, didn't know that, thanks for the hint.  But please respond to
>, which is the cloned bug.

Essentially, texlive-binaries cannot guarantee you any functionality.
Maybe mktexlsr (which has been the real name of texhash for about the
last decade) is one exception, I'm not sure - but if you have
texlive-base, then you know that also the input files that allow
texlive-binaries' executables to run are present.

However, in this case things are more complicated. On the one hand, in
postrm you cannot rely on any dependencies being present (because it may
be called when the package has been unpacked, but configuring a
dependency has failed).  On the other hand, there are simple means to
just do the right thing:

- either just put dh_installtex into your debian/rules

- or else activate the trigger that tex-common has interest for, for
  registering or de-registering files in /usr/share/texmf and
  /var/lib/texmf, by calling update-texmf-config lsr

If you want to know how complicated things are, just have a look at the
code in tex-common's postinst, "case $trigger in .. texmf-lsrfull)

Regards, Frank

Dr. Frank Küster
VCD Miltenberg, ADFC Aschaffenburg-Miltenberg
B90/Grüne KV Miltenberg
Debian Developer (TeXLive)

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