tag 606182 + unreproducible moreinfo

On Tue, 07 Dec 2010 09:25:03 +0100, Olivier Berger writes:
>I have backups on remote server and try to restore to non-existing dir, with em
>pty ~/.cache/duplicity, and get :
># duplicity --force --ssh-askpass scp://r...@xxxxxx//mnt/xxxxxx/dupbackups/xxxx
>x /home/xxxxxx/restore/
>Password for 'xxxxxxxxx': 
>GnuPG passphrase: 
>Synchronizing remote metadata to local cache...
>Copying duplicity-full-signatures.20101206T005609Z.sigtar to local cache.
>Copying duplicity-full.20100116T134814Z.manifest to local cache.
>Copying duplicity-full.20100905T190548Z.manifest to local cache.
>Copying duplicity-full.20101006T231429Z.manifest to local cache.
>GPGError: GPG Failed, see log below:
>===== Begin GnuPG log ====gpg: decrypt_message failed: eof
>===== End GnuPG log ====
>Thanks in advance.

i can't reproduce the problem here; would you please send me the output
of a run with -v 9 and with (re-)cleaned cache?

from the lack of log info about backup chains it seems to me that one 
of the manifests is damaged/empty/undecryptable, can you check their file sizes 
on the remote storage backend? (ideally run a collection-status and 
list-current-files, too.)


+ Alexander Zangerl + DSA 42BD645D + (RSA 5B586291)
C++ is history repeated as tragedy. Java is history repeated as farce.
 -- Scott McKay

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