Package: grads
Version: 2.0.a8-1
Severity: important

/usr/bin/grib2scan and /usr/bin/gxtran are contained in the i386 binary package, but they are missing on every other architecture. Interesting part of the amd64 build log:

| Checking in system locations for libraries to support printim ...
| checking for GD... no
| checking for gdlib-config... no
| checking gd.h usability... no
| checking gd.h presence... no
| checking for gd.h... no
| - printim disabled (Warning: gxtran will not be built)
| Checking in supplibs for libraries to support grib2 ...
| checking for main in -lpng12... (cached) no
| Checking in system locations for grib2 libraries ...
| checking grib2.h usability... yes
| checking grib2.h presence... yes
| checking for grib2.h... yes
| checking for main in -lgrib2c... yes
| checking for main in -lpng12... (cached) no
| - grib2 disabled
| +-------------------------------+
| |                               |
| |  GrADS will be built with:    |
| |                               |
| |  - GUI disabled               |
| |  + readline enabled           |
| |  - geotiff disabled           |
| |  - shapefile disabled         |
| |  - printim disabled           |
| |  - grib2 disabled             |
| |  - hdf4 disabled              |
| |  + hdf5 enabled               |
| |  + netcdf-3 enabled           |
| |  - OPeNDAP disabled           |
| |                               |
| |  gxtran will not be built     |
| |  grib2scan will not be built  |
| |                               |
| +-------------------------------+

Jakub Wilk

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