> While the bugs reported in here indeed seem to be fixed, grub now runs
> into just the next problem: It runs out of memory (even though my
> UltraSparc has 1 GB of RAM)
RISC jumps have a limited range. Since GRUB uses heap to load modules,
it uses only a minor part of memory
>  and then causes (probably as follow-up
> error) an illegal instruction.
> But also Vladimir's manual grub installation in /usr/local has that
> problem if I use the grub.cfg generated from the Debian package. Only
> if I use the hinting feature 
hints are only a performance improvement. It wasn't intended as a bug
fix for anything.
I thought that Out-of-memory problem was caused by at attempt to init
graphical subsystem. Are you sure that hints is the only difference? In
particular check following points:
- path to unicode.pf2
- absence of insmod ieee1275_fb
- used terminal_output

Vladimir 'φ-coder/phcoder' Serbinenko

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