Le jeudi 27 janvier 2011, Jerome Reybert a écrit :
> I encountered a permission issue when I tried to access a fresh installed
> dokuwiki, configured with lighttpd instead of apache2. I can not access
> to the wiki, I got a 403 error.
> I finally found a solution: it was because fastcgi and fastcgi-php were
> not enabled in lighttpd. You should consider to correct the postinst
> script, in order to dokuwiki works out of the box. (I do not know if you 
> can enable such modules in a non lighttpd related package).
I think I cannot. There may be several ways of running PHP, and if
installing the appropriate module package for a given web server does
not enable it, I do not think I should do it instead in my package.

To rephrase it, if installing lighttpd and php5-cgi does not enable the
required modules, I will not mix up with it to enable them as it could
cause too much problems, so it will be the responsability of the user.

The default dependency resolutions installs apache2-mod-php5, that
enables itself, and everything works. If you want to use an alternative
server instead, as there is no package that enables everything needed,
you will just get the correct packages installed by dependency and have
to put the pieces together by hand.

However, what I can do is to document that in the README.Debian,
explaining that, outside of the default installation, enabling the
correct modules is the responsibility of the user.

I am open to better solutions, if you can suggest one. :-)

: /` )   Tanguy Ortolo <xmpp:tan...@ortolo.eu> <irc://irc.oftc.net/Elessar>
| `-'    Debian Maintainer

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