
Hi folks,

I hope this is the right place for this report. If not, feel free to
whack me over the head and tell me where to go instead :-)

I've just submitted a request to join a project on Alioth [1]. In the
comment I typed there, I've used a few single quotes. After pressing
submit, the request was correctly submitted (according to the message
shown). Additionally, the comment I typed was shown in the textarea
again, but this time all single quotes were preceded by a backslash.

This looks like some overzealous escaping somewhere (magic_quotes_gpc
perhaps?). It's probably harmless, but it might be an indication that
there is some underlying, more serious problem. (In fact, looking at the
FusionForge source code, it seems there is no explicit escaping in
request.php, so it might very well be that magic_quotes is indeed turned
on. There is also a possibly relevant bug report [1], which seems to be
fixed in the wrong way IMHO).




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