On mar., 2011-02-08 at 18:56 -0500, Brandon Simmons wrote:
> As for the backtrace, I'll need some hints on how to do that. I
> re-built the 'xfce4-session' package with debugging symbols and
> attempted to get a backtrace of "xfce4-session-logout --suspend" per
> these instructions:
>     http://wiki.debian.org/HowToGetABacktrace
> but I was instantly logged out of my session. I also tried to dump a
> backtrace to a file using this trick:

xfce4-session-logout doesn't segfaults, it's xfce4-session. Try to
attach it using gdb -p $(pid xfce4-session). You should do it from a
console or from ssh since when it'll be killed the session might be
>     http://blog.cryptomilk.org/2010/12/23/gdb-backtrace-to-file/
> but the resulting file contained only "no stack" and "no registers".

That might work but, again, the one to debug is xfce4-session.


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