
I found an easier solution, Xen dom0 on squeeze / DomU on lenny the
dist-upgrade and reboot failed. :

First mount the /boot partition of your domU to the dom0 :
 xm block-attach 0 phy:/dev/vm/squeeze xvda w
mount /dev/xvda1 /mnt

Then edit /mnt/grub/menu.lst, and comment thoses line :

#title          Chainload into GRUB 2
#root           (hd0,0)
#kernel         /grub/core.img
#title          When you have verified GRUB 2 works, you can use this
command to
#title          complete the upgrade:  upgrade-from-grub-legacy

It seems Pygrub on lenny and squeeze doesn't understant this menu, so
comment it. Umount partition and disk :
 xm block-detach 0 xvda

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