Am 24.02.2011 19:30, schrieb Mike Palmer:
> On 2/24/11 10:53 AM, Patrick Matthäi wrote:
>> Am 24.02.2011 18:37, schrieb Mike Palmer:
>>> Package: glusterfs
>>> Version: 3.1.2-3
>>> Gluster 3.1 now has native NFS support but you need nfs-common, portmap
>>> or rpcbind, etc before it will work. The package built by
>>> depend on nfs-common for reference.
>> I think it might be enough to suggest nfs-common with glusterfs-client.
> Sounds good but with client or the server? I was thinking
> glusterfs-server since glusterfsd depends on portmap for native nfs
> support. Maybe I am just not aware of something in the client package
> that uses nfs-common though.

Right, I meant the server, but since glusterfs-server depends on
glusterfs-client.. ;)
Comitted and it will be uploaded with 3.1.3.

Mit freundlichem Gruß / With kind regards,
 Patrick Matthäi
 GNU/Linux Debian Developer


Always if we think we are right,
we were maybe wrong.

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