We have two of your modules that are ready to go into Debian but are blocked because the copyright status is not clear enough for all concerned. Please could you confirm or correct the following:

AnyEvent::HTTP - Copyright 2008-2011, Marc Lehmann <>
AnyEvent::DBI - Copyright 2008-2010, Marc Lehmann <>
        Copyright 2008-2010, Adam Rosenstein <>

The following package is not ready but we have a ticket about it and as far as I can see the non-copyright blockages no longer apply:

EV - 2007-2011, Copyright Marc Lehmann <>

The embedded libev library seems to have a very clear copyright status

libev - Copyright (C)2007,2008,2009 Marc Alexander Lehmann.

under a 2 clause BSD license.

It would be a great help to us if the copyright could be made clearer more systematically, perhaps by putting a statement on your website or even distributing the copyright statement with the code as was done with libev. I would be interested to hear your views on this subject.


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