On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 12:08:01PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> wall:~|master|% dig @::1 aaaa piper.oerlikon.madduck.net +short
> 2001:41e0:ff12:0:211:2fff:fe6b:c869
> wall:~|master|% dig @::1 aaaa wall.oerlikon.madduck.net +short
> 2001:41e0:ff12::1
> Note how the first uses :0: and the second uses :: instead. The data
> file is consistent, however:
> wall:~|master|% egrep '^(piper|wall).*AAAA' 
> /etc/nsd3/oerlikon.madduck.net.zone
> wall  86400 IN  AAAA    2001:41e0:ff12::1
> piper 86400 IN  AAAA    2001:41e0:ff12::211:2fff:fe6b:c869
> (pdns does the same: #500572; I could not find any information in
> the RFCs or standards which would legitimate this.)

I am pretty sure that this formating is a 'feature' of either dig or your libc
and is NOT a bug in nsd or pdns.

AAAA resource records are transmitted over the wire as 128 bit data in network
byte order, so it is impossible to even preserve the textual representation. See
RFC 3596 (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3596).

This bug should be closed or reassigned to the program that does the local
inconsistent formatting.

Jeroen Schot <sc...@a-eskwadraat.nl>

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