On Wed, Mar 09, 2011 at 10:06:44AM +0100, Jan Hauke Rahm wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 08, 2011 at 12:41:40PM -0400, David Bremner wrote:
> > I was talking to my wife, who is the biblatex user in our house, and it
> > seems the dependency on biber is more of a recommendation. Biblatex
> > seems to function OK using bibtex in place of biber. Of course there
> > might be some issues that we don't know about, but at least it generates
> > OK looking documents in her tests.
> Thanks for checking! It seems biber can be considered a more loose
> dependency. I'd rather have it in Debian ASAP though, if only to avoid a
> huge mess of documenting what works and what not. biblatex 1.1 says:
> ,----
> | Starting with this release, we'll leverage the possibilities of Biber
> | to support features not possible with BibTeX. That's why most major
> | new features in this release are 'Biber only'.
> `----

Well, biber can be considered a recommendation. So, no problem there.

> biblatex (as of 0.9b) has another new dependency: logreq which I don't
> see in Debian yet. I can easily package it, I guess. I'll have a closer
> look in the next few days. Maybe uploading biblatex 1.2 isn't such a bad
> idea after all. :)

This OTOH is a problem. logreq is a dependency since 0.9b and has itself
a dependency on etoolbox 1.9 which is part of texlive and available in
version 1.8.

Yes, my fault. I shouldn't have put it back into texlive but instead
kept it as a single package. Didn't do it, now it's messy. :(

Thus, two options: 1) wait for TL2011, 2) package etoolbox again,
conflict with tl, upload a new version of tl without etoolbox, package
logreq, upload biblatex 1.3.


 .''`.   Jan Hauke Rahm <j...@debian.org>               www.jhr-online.de
: :'  :  Debian Developer                                 www.debian.org
`. `'`   Member of the Linux Foundation                    www.linux.com
  `-     Fellow of the Free Software Foundation Europe      www.fsfe.org

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