Am 23.03.2011 12:22, schrieb Marco d'Itri:
> On Mar 23, Michael Biebl <> wrote:
>> That said, did previous versions of upower not expose this behaviour?
> I am not 100% sure, I remember having to kill upowerd at least once
> some time ago. Probably I did not reboot since then, but if you can
> provide me links to packages I will be happy to try them.
> I am on the road and cannot rebuild gnome packages, sorry.

Without knowing where to start, this is a bit hard.
You can at least try the three different versions currently available in the
squeeze 0.9.5-5
wheezy 0.9.8-2
sid 0.9.9-1

upowerd should be restarted on upgrades, but to rule out any side effects, at
least logout/login from your graphical session or simply reboot.

That said, what kind of desktop environment are you using?
If GNOME, is gnome-power-manager running? Does it have any influence on the
blinkling? Is your backlight completely turned of or more a screen blanking
(like a screensaver kicking in?)


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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