block 473213 by 453471

On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 12:02:32PM -0430, Miguel Landaeta wrote:
> So, in the next weeks (months??) I'm going to prepare a package
> for grails 1.3.x. Before that can be completed, a package for
> gradle must reach unstable. I'm working on it right now.

Quick update:

Later I found out that Grails 1.3.x is uncompatible with
Hibernate >= 3.5. It builds just fine but is not usable.
So, now I'm waiting for Grails 1.4. BTW, on this week upstream
added support for Hibernate 3.6 but I don't know yet when Grails
1.4 could be released (maybe by the end of this year?).

Gradle and Spring 3.0 already reached unstable, so the missing
pieces to have Grails in Debian are:

* Upload libradeox-java (or the fork prepared by Grails team).
* Upload libhibernate3-java 3.6.
* Reimplement a few classes providing JSON features because they are
  not DFSG-compliant (infamous clause of not doing evil with software...).

Maybe another missing dependencies in Debian could appear with 1.4
release but after packaging Spring 3.0 and Gradle I guess that should
not bring too much work compared with what is already
done (famous last words?).

Miguel Landaeta, miguel at
secure email with PGP 0x7D8967E9 available at
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