> Do you use a program like gnome-power-manager, that does this for you?
> How do you know btw, that pm-powersave is not run?
> Michael
Thanks.  I was testing this from the console with no X running and from X
without a power manager running mistakenly thinking that I did not need one.
 I also do not have acpi installed since its deprecated
and subsequently installed it again and discovered that it resolved the
problem as well.

I had this script to test and was simply watching syslog

cat /etc/pm/power.d/test

case $1 in
    true) logger "testbattrue" ;;
    false) logger "testbatfalse" ;;

I did not understand the requirements of pm-powersave.  Thanks and sorry for
any time wasted.  my googling did not result in an answer - hence the bug
report.  gnome=power-manager installed and works fine.

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