block 622324 by 613297

Le 13/04/2011 à 16:06, Martin Quinson <> écrivit :
> Hello,
> I also need twitter4j to get packaged for my pet project (which is
> described in #622324.
> I'm willing to help if needed, but I'd prefer avoiding any duplicate
> effort. How far did you manage to get for now?


I have done some packaging work. I have to say that maven is quite a
PITA, but I managed to get a working package. 

At the moment I'm quite puzzled by the documentation generation:
everything goes into javadoc .jar files, and it seems to confuse
maven-debian-helper (it generates an empty -doc package). This should
just be a matter of tweaking.

I'll upload my work ASAP on the pkg-java git repository and let you

Nicolas Dandrimont

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