Am 17.04.2011 10:21, schrieb Torsten Landschoff:
> On Sat, 2011-04-16 at 16:10 +0200, Patrick Matthäi wrote:
>>> I am sorry to say that it is non-trivial to merge a fix to this bug.
>>> Upstream revision 12620 contains the fix according to the upstream bug.
>>> However, the fix is not released yet and will only make it into SWIG
>>> 2.0.4 which accumulated a lot of changes already.
>>> I don't feel like releasing a package for that before it is released
>>> upstream.
>> And updating the package to 2.0.3 and add the change as patch?
> There is actually a package of 2.0.3, please install swig2.0. I did not
> move swig to point to swig2.0 yet as that breaks many packages - the
> autoconf-archive detection of swig is broken and thinks 2.0 is older
> than 1.3.x :-(

Just a little update, I also tried it out with the swig2.0 package, same
error as with swig.

> Now that squeeze is released I should really start that transition...
> Unfortunately, the diff of r12620 does not apply to swig 2.0.3 as it
> depends on a bunch of other changes.

Packaging a VCS snapshot of swig2.0? :)

Mit freundlichem Gruß / With kind regards,
 Patrick Matthäi
 GNU/Linux Debian Developer


Always if we think we are right,
we were maybe wrong.

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