On sam., 2011-04-23 at 15:03 +0800, Jos van Wolput wrote:
> After fresh boot:
>  ck-list-sessions
> Session1:
>       unix-user = '1000'
>       realname = 'Jos van Wolput'
>       seat = 'Seat1'
>       session-type = ''
>       active = TRUE
>       x11-display = ':0'
>       x11-display-device = '/dev/tty7'
>       display-device = ''
>       remote-host-name = ''
>       is-local = TRUE
>       on-since = '2011-04-23T06:21:15.331091Z'
>       login-session-id = '4294967295'
> ---
> After new xfce session login:
>  ck-list-sessions
> Session2:
>       unix-user = '1000'
>       realname = 'Jos van Wolput'
>       seat = 'Seat1'
>       session-type = ''
>       active = FALSE
>       x11-display = ':0'
>       x11-display-device = '/dev/tty8'
>       display-device = ''
>       remote-host-name = ''
>       is-local = TRUE
>       on-since = '2011-04-23T06:34:58.797252Z'
>       login-session-id = '4294967295'
> ---

This session is marked as inactive, so yeah, it won't allow you to mount
stuff. How do you start Xfce?

> The output of the second ck-list-sessions looks quite strange!
> I am still in tty7, there's nothing in tty8.

Well, that might be a consolekit bug but I'd doubt that.

> Everything seems to work except mounting external devices.

I guess suspending/hibernating wouldn't work either.


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