Hi there,

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 06:48:35PM +0200, Innocent De Marchi wrote:

> This is an updated version of the Catalan debconf PO file.

Thanks, applied in bzr.

Some comments on the translation:

> msgid ""
> "The kdm, wdm, and xdm display managers require a restart for the new version 
> "
> "of libpam, but there are X login sessions active on your system that would "
> "be terminated by this restart.  You will therefore need to restart these "
> "services by hand before further X logins will be possible."
> msgstr ""
> "Entre els serveis que cal reiniciar degut a la nova versió de «libpam» hi ha 
> "
> "els gestors de pantalla «kdm», «wdm» i «xdm». Malgrat tot, hi ha sessions "
> "d'«X» en execució en el sistema que s'aturaran si es reinicien aquests "
> "serveis. Cal reiniciar-los manualment si desitjau que sigui possible iniciar 
> "
> "una sessió «X» més endavant."

"aquest serveis" suggests to me that all three of these services are
running.  In the usual case only one of these services will actually be
present and running on any given system.

"si desitjau que sigui possible" - this reads strange to me.  Why would
someone *not* want it to be possible?  If they're running a display manager,
clearly they intend starting of X sessions to work!

> msgid "Failure restarting some services for PAM upgrade"
> msgstr ""
> "S'ha produït un error en reiniciar algun dels serveis en l'actualització de "
> "PAM"


> msgid "PAM profiles to enable:"
> msgstr "Perfils PAM que cal habilitar:"

I find the use of "cal" here strange.  This message refers to the profiles
that the admin *chooses* to enable.  Maybe "Perfils PAM a habilitar", or
"Perfils PAM que voleu habilitar"?

> msgid ""
> "One or more running instances of xscreensaver or xlockmore have been "
> "detected on this system.  Because of incompatible library changes, the "
> "upgrade of the libpam-modules package will leave you unable to authenticate "
> "to these programs.  You should arrange for these programs to be restarted or 
> "
> "stopped before continuing this upgrade, to avoid locking your users out of "
> "their current sessions."
> msgstr ""
> "S'han detectat una o més instàncies dels programes «xscreensaver» o "
> "«xlockmore». L'actualització del paquet «libpam-modules» podria impedir "
> "l'autenticació en aquests programes degut a canvis incompatibles en la "
> "biblioteca. Heu de procurar que aquests programes es reinicien o s'aturin "
> "abans de continuar amb l'actualització. Així evitareu que els usuaris quedin 
> "
> "bloquejats i no puguin continuar les seves sessions actuals."

You appear not to translate the word "running" here.  Without this, I think
it's a little unclear what it means to detect an "instance of the program".

Please let me know if you agree with any of these suggested changes and
would like me to update the translation in the package.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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