retitle 624578 libembperl-perl: FTBFS: test registry/Execute.htm fails

On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 08:30:31PM +0100, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
> This package fails to build from source in a clean sid chroot:
> Error in Line 4
> Is:     ><H1>2.)IncludefrommemorywithsomeEmbperlcode</H1><
> Should: ><P>Hereissometext</P><
> Input:          test/html/registry/Execute.htm
> Output:         test/tmp/out.htm
> Compared to:    test/cmp/Execute.htm
> Log:            test/tmp/test.log
> Testparameter:
>   modperl = 1
>  ERRORS detected! NOT all tests have been passed successfully

This test also fails with 2.4.0-1 currently in subversion

This probably needs someone with some familiarity with embperl to look
at this properly. I'm not confident about just forwarding it upstream
without understanding it more (especially since the Debian package
includes quite a few patches).

Dominic Hargreaves |
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