Am 12.05.2011 22:42, schrieb Nicholas Bamber:
> Patrick,
>     Actually I am really rather struggling with whether to proceed on
> this one. I downloaded the latest otrs source and grepped for
> CSS::Minifier. It seems that otrs bundles CSS::Minifier with it so
> I assume you are concerned about section 4.13 of the Debian Policy
> (Convenience copies of code). There only seem to be a few lines in
> otrs/Kernel/System/ that actually refer to CSS:Minifier.
> So if you are going to patch the otrs code to unbundle CSS::Minifier
> surely it will be better to patch it as well to use CSS::Minifier::XS.
> I am copying the rest of the Debian Perl Group in case anyone disagrees.

We are not using the embedded copies and do not want to break more than
we need to.

> On 08/05/11 10:06, Patrick Matthaei wrote:
>> No. Otrs needs the != xs version
>> Nicholas Bamber<>  schrieb:
>>> Patrick,
>>>     We have libcss-minifier-xs-perl in Debian. Does this suffice for
>>> you?

Mit freundlichem Gruß / With kind regards,
 Patrick Matthäi
 GNU/Linux Debian Developer


Always if we think we are right,
we were maybe wrong.

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