thanks for the bug report.

You're welcome.  Thanks for the help!

Commands that worked in gqview no longer work, and my attempts to
control a running geeqie process via the commandline often report
errors and don't always do what I expect from the documentation.

Some examples perhaps illustrate best.  I have a running geeqie process.

   jeff@aragorn:California $ geeqie --remote file 20091023-093855-6366.jpg 
   Geeqie 1.0beta2, This is an alpha release.
   Invalid or ignored remote options: file, 20091023-093855-6366.jpg, 
   Use --remote-help for valid remote options.
   jeff@aragorn:California $

But, in fact, the remote session did the right thing (displayed those
two images as a selection of two things).  The error message appears
incorrect (and quite distracting!).  By selection, I mean "what does
repeated application of page-up and page-down indicate is the set of
images I am viewing?"
There is one real error in your remote call. There is no »file« option
to use. The help screen point says »file:« which means that »file:«
should be in front of every file.

However, you are true that this is a small bug and inconsistency between
documentation and appearance. This bug should be fixed in the next

Makes sense. Perhaps merely as a feature request, It is very nice to be able to say something like

     $ geeqie --remote file $(cat my-files.txt)

or something similar not needing perl or sed to insert "file:" before each name.

Anyway, many thanks!

-Jeff Abrahamson

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