reassign 612264 tk-tile 0.8.2-2.1
severity 612264 important

Francesco P. Lovergine wrote:

> Uhm, one would not expect tk-tile or any other non-core tcl package has to
> manage /usr/include/tcl. Instead it is expected the default tcltk
> package is able to cope with transitioning without glitches.

Therefore reassigning (to the same people, of course :)).

> I tried to
> install/remove/reinstall in various order tk-tile and tk-dev
> without problems

Yes, it's a little puzzling, since dpkg generally treats directories
and symlinks to directories similarly, and packages are allowed to
share them.

I would guess that /usr/include/tcl had ended up pointing to a
non-directory somehow, but each time I play the scenario out in my
head that can't happen (as long as tk-tile is still installed, dpkg
doesn't remove the /usr/include/tcl symlink).

Thanks for noticing.

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